Minimum First Aid Requirements in BC/
WorkSafeBC Occupational First Aid Level 3 (OFA 3)
Occupational First Aid Level 3 (OFA 3) is a 70 hour (excluding breaks) program designed for remote worksites or employers with large workforces more than 20 minutes from medical aid. Successful participants will be qualified to work as a WorkSafeBC OFA Level 3 first aid attendant. Initial certification requires full participation and course attendance plus successful completion of both written and practical exams (held on an additional day). OFA Level 3 meets the requirements for the Canada Labour Code (Advanced First Aid) and the Alberta Human Services OH&S Policy (Advanced First Aid)
Topics covered include:
- human anatomy and physiology
- priority action approach and secondary survey for conscious patients and patients with a decreased level of consciousness and for patients in the first aid room
- first aid and documentation for soft tissue injuries, eye injuries, burns, and ligament & tendon injuries
- first aid for:
- head, brain, and spinal injuries
- pelvic and abdominal injuries
- medical conditions including diabetic emergencies and asthma
- poisoning and substance abuse
- managing:
- oxygen therapy equipment and oral airways
- patients with spinal considerations and preparing them for transport including the application of hard collars
- identify and manage:
- critical interventions of the airway including the use of suction equipment
- respiratory emergencies
- circulatory emergencies (shock, bleeding, heart conditions – CPR with AED)
- upper and lower limb fractures and dislocations
- electrical injuries and environmental injuries
- strokes and seizures
- identify common communicable diseases, routes of transmission, and prevention of infection
- preparing and managing rapid transport category (RTC) patients for transport (supine and lateral); identifying methods of transportation for injured workers and factors used to make transport decisions
- multiple casualty management
Upon successful completion the participant will receive certification that is valid for three years.