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Transportation of Dangerous Goods

This training program will provide you with the information that is used to implement the Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG) system.

It takes a mix of prevention, planning, preparation, training and communications to create and sustain a TDG system. TDG regulations are intended to help prevent incidents from happening and to protect the public if there is a spill or leak during the transport of a dangerous product.

The goal of this program is to help you gain the core knowledge to better understand the transportation of dangerous goods regulation (Clear Language Edition), the reporting procedures for accidental spills or leaks, and your responsibilities in the role of a shipper, handler or transport driver.

Contact Us to enroll in this program.

Course Details

  • Class Number

  • Language

  • Course Length

  • Price

  • Certification

  • 000-25

  • English

  • 6 hrs

  • $165.00

  • Transportation of Dangerous Goods

Courses & Training Services Areas

We have training centres with regularly scheduled courses in the following locations:

British Columbia
  • 825J Laval Crescent

Nationwide Offsite training available.
Contact us at 778.471.6407 for details.

Need a course in a location not listed. Contact us at 778.471.6407 for details.